
Garderen – oil on canvas – 30x60cm – 2023
Berlage Brug – oil on canvas – 70x100cm – 2023
Twiske in de winter – oil on canvas – 30x30cm – 2023
Twiske, welcome to the future
Twiske Ilperveld – oil on canvas – 50x50cm – 2023
Twiske Ilperveld – oil on canvas – 20x50cm – 2023
Twiske molen – oil on canvas – 30x30cm – 2023
Twiske 2 – oil on canvas – 30×30 cm – 2023
Pacific Ocean, Santa Domingo te Chile – oil on canvas – 20 x 20 cm – 2023
Twiske 1 – oil on canvas – 30×30 cm – 2023
Lima – oil on canvas – 50 x 50cm – 2023
Sergej en Thierry – oil on canvas – 50x60cm – 2023
bos in chile 20-er jaren – oil on canvas – 100x200cm – 2022
Strand Scheveningen – oil on canvas – 20x20cm – 2022
Schapen scheerder in Kosovo – oil on canvas – 60x80cm – 2021
Matias – oil on canvas – 60x60cm – 2021
LIV – OIL ON CANVAS – 60×80 cm – 2020
Foxtrot B-80 NDSM werf – oil on canvas – 60x60cm – 2020
NAPELS 04 – OIL ON CANVAS – 100x100CM – 2020
ted – oil on canvas – 70x100cm – 2020
Annemiek – oil on canvas – 60x60cm – 2020
Marjon in Cornwall – oil on canvas – 60x60cm – 2020
El Tatio Geysers, Atacama, Chile – oil on canvas – 50x100cm – 2020
NAPLES 3 – OIL ON CANVAS – 80X80 CM – 2019
Annechien – OIL ON CANVAS – 60X80CM – 2019
Tolhuispont over ’t IJ – oil on canvas – 70x100cm – 2019
Checkpoint Charlie – oil on canvas – 50x50cm – 2018
Naples 2 – oil on canvas – 100x100cm – 2018
The Old Bell – oil on canvas – 2018
Amsterdam from the Amsterdam Tower – oil on canvas – 100x120cm – 2017
Hemweg Centrale – oil on canvas – 80x80cm – 2017
Westelijk Havengebied Amsterdam – oil on canvas – 80x80cm – 2017
Naples 1 – oil on canvas – 70x70cm – 2017
michi – oil on canvas – 80x80cm – 2017
Raadhuisstraat Amsterdam – oil on canvas – 80x80cm – 2016
Amsterdam Tower – oil on panel – 61x122cm – 2015
Keizersgracht – oil on canvas – 70x100cm – 2015
De Amsterdamse Brug – oil on panel – 61x122cm – 2015
Brouwersgracht – oil on panel – 61x122cm – 2015
Puerto Natales Chile – oil on canvas – 60x80cm – 2015
Amsterdamse Sneeuwbui – oil on panel – 61x122cm – 2015
Santiago (Chile) by night – oil on canvas – 70x100cm – 2015
Acatenango Vulcano in the morning, Guatemala – oil on canvas – 50x100cm – 2019
On top of the hill, Félines-sur-Rimandoule, France – oil on canvas – 60x80cm – 2019
Flowers 01 – oil on canvas – 80x80cm – 2018
Isle of Skey, Scotland – oil on canvas – 20x20cm – 2018
Quiraing, Scotland – oil on canvas – 20x20cm – 2018
Strathdon in Scotland – oil on canvas – 100x100cm – 2018
Ice on branches – oil on canvas – 30x30cm – 2018